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Job details
Farmworker: Diversified (45-2092.00)
- Country: United States
- Visa type: H-2A
- Job ID: (Open on offer list)
- Employer name: Confidential
- Employees needed: 32
- E-mail (employer): Confidential
- E-mail (agent): Confidential
- Phone: Confidential
- Agent phone: Confidential
- Working hours per week: 36
- Wage: 16.23 USD / Hour
- Start date: 05/01/2025
- End date: 11/30/2025
- Process date: 02/28/2025 14:56:52
- Submit date: Confidential
- Offer description:
Worker must possess the physical strength and endurance (ability to continue or last) to repeat the harvest process though out the workday, working quickly and skillfully to perform activities assigned during that activity. Workers must work at a sustained (continuing for an extended period of time without interruption), vigorous pace (quick and steady) and make bona fide efforts (made in earnest intent) to work efficiently (performing or functions in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort) and consistently (same way for a long time) that are reasonable under the climatic and other working conditions, Workers may not leave trash, or other discarded items in work areas or vehicles but must dispose of such items in provided receptacles. Workers must wash hands with soap and water after all bathroom and meal breaks. Allergies to varieties of ragweed, goldenrod, insecticides, related agricultural chemicals, etc., may affect worker’s ability to perform the work described herein. Sanitation Requirements: For food and general personal safety purposes, all workers will be required and expected to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly critical when hand harvesting crops for human consumption. Employees are required to cleanse their hands by washing them thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom and before entering the fields for harvest activities or the packing facility for packing operations. Crops: Peas, Peanuts, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Eggplant, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Okra, Watermelon, Butterbeans, Corn, Beans, Cantaloupe, Tomatoes, Bell peppers and Peppers Workers will perform various duties associated with growing the vegetable crops listed above. Workers will plant cultivate and harvest vegetables. Workers will lay, fix and pull plastic. Workers will hook up, unhook, and fix water. Workers will stake and tie pepper and tomato plants. Workers will perform support duties such as making boxes, packing, cleaning buckets and work areas. Workers will assist with weed removal. Workers will remove the vegetable (listed above) from the plant according to size and maturity that will be able to be packed and shipped. Then the produce will be placed in a six-gallon picking bucket. After bucket is full the workers will and carry the bucket to a flatbed truck or flatbed field trailer. A person on truck or trailer will receive the full buckets. This person will either dump the produce in plastic bin or set the full bucket on the truck or trailer. The person on the truck on the trailer will give a token to the picker each time they take a full bucket. This process will be repeated throughout the day until the scheduled field is picked. Plant Bed Preparation: Laying plastic mulch over prepared beds, which are been fumigated. This includes other jobs necessary to get the plant beds ready for planting, including placing drip tube under the plastic and connecting drip tube to lateral lay flat. Crop Maintenance and Cultivation: Weed removal from crop rows, tightening stakes loosened by wind and water runoff. Helping to drain areas of the field with shovels, cutting the ridged areas of the rows covered in black plastic to allow the pooled water to drain. Workers are expected to begin work early in the mornings except with picking tomatoes. If it is necessary for workers to work in the rain, the employer will provide works, without cost to them, appropriate rain gear. Workers should not have allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, pesticide sprays residues or related chemicals. Packing Operation Grading Working carefully remove any leaves and defective fruit as defined by grading supervisor as peaches move across grading tables. Produce must be handled carefully to avoid bruises or fingernail cuts. Workers will pack peas and corn.