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Job details
Helper-Mechanic/Cotton Gin Worker
- Country: United States
- Visa type: H-2A
- Job ID: (Open on offer list)
- Employer name: Confidential
- Employees needed: 1
- E-mail (employer): Confidential
- E-mail (agent): Confidential
- Phone: Confidential
- Agent phone: Confidential
- Working hours per week: 56
- Wage: 17.72 USD / Hour
- Start date: 05/01/2025
- End date: 12/24/2025
- Process date: 02/26/2025 08:01:36
- Submit date: Confidential
- Offer description:
Helper-Farm Mechanic/Cotton Gin Worker: Help installation, maintenance, and repair worker or gin operator in maintenance, parts replacement, and repair of farm vehicles, farm equipment and ginning equipment. Perform duties such as furnishing tools, materials, and supplies to other workers; cleaning work area, machines, and tools; and holding materials or tools for other workers. Tend and observe ginning equipment to verify safe, proper, and efficient operation. Position machinery, equipment, physical structures, and other objects for assembly or installation, using hand tools, power tools, and moving equipment. Adjust, maintain, and repair tools, equipment, and machines, and assist more skilled workers with similar tasks. Operate ginning equipment, including but not limited to bale hoisters, skid steer loaders, forklifts and cotton module feeders. Assist gin operator with repairing equipment, clearing blockages, cleaning lint filters, refilling supplies, sweeping floors, removing trash buildup, and picking up cotton on yard. Operate baling press. Load cotton module to feeders, feed wires on press, un-tarp modules, move bales from press to bale slab. Tie, tag and bag cotton and mote bales. Secure cotton with ties. Remove cotton samples for quality inspection. Use hoister to load cotton and mote bales onto vehicles for transport. Work is done for long periods of time. May operate light truck or van over the road to drive themselves or other farmworkers from employer-provided housing and the gin. May operate light truck or van off the farm and over the road to drive themselves or other farmworkers from place to place, such as to the grocery store, bank, government agencies, medical or dental offices and so forth. Though not a hiring requirement, if a worker drives a company vehicle during the period of employment then at the time of operating the company vehicle the driver must possess a valid driver’s license issued by a U.S. state or foreign equivalent and operate the company vehicle in accordance with the license restrictions and vehicle classifications applicable to that license.