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Job details
- Country: United States
- Visa type: H-2A
- Job ID: (Open on offer list)
- Employer name: Confidential
- Employees needed: 4
- E-mail (employer): Confidential
- E-mail (agent): Confidential
- Phone: Confidential
- Agent phone: Confidential
- Working hours per week: 42
- Wage: 16.08 USD / Hour
- Start date: 05/01/2025
- End date: 01/31/2026
- Process date: 02/25/2025 20:21:50
- Submit date: Confidential
- Offer description:
Beekeeping. Perform manual and mechanical duties related to commercial beekeeping and honey production. Must be familiar with working with bees in all stages, from egg through mature workers, drones and queens. Must work all aspects of beekeeping. Inserts honeycombs into hive. Access colony to determine if food or medicine is needed. Feed and medicate bees for diseases, parasites, and pests. Sterilize hive and burn diseased hive or bee colony. Run queen breeding yard. Raise and replace queens. Make divides. Prepare bees and bee equipment for pollination. Make splits. Supering hives. Pull/remove frames of honey covered with bees and shake into cages. Manipulate and service hive structures. Haul bees to and from different hive locations ensuring healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Load, unload and move bees/boxes. Prepare hives for indoor/outdoor wintering. Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. May plant, cultivate, and harvest melons and perform field cleanup. Cut grass with lawnmowers and trimmers around barns, pond, grass waterways, fields, under fences and farm roadside edges. May fertilize and spray with backpack sprayers. May operate and perform minor maintenance on farm vehicles or equipment. Direct and monitor the work of casual and seasonal help. May operate farm vehicles to haul bees, equipment and farm supplies and to drive other farmworkers from place to place around the farm properties (including on public roads to reach farmer’s fields) during the workday. May operate light truck or van off the farm and over the road to drive themselves or other farmworkers from place to place, such as to the grocery store, bank, government agencies, medical or dental offices and so forth. Though not a hiring requirement, if a worker drives a company vehicle during the period of employment then at the time of operating the company vehicle the driver must possess a valid driver’s license issued by a U.S. state or foreign equivalent and operate the company vehicle in accordance with the license restrictions and vehicle classifications applicable to that license.