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Job details
Bee Health Specialist
- Country: United States
- Visa type: H-2A
- Job ID: (Open on offer list)
- Employer name: Confidential
- Employees needed: 4
- E-mail (employer): Confidential
- E-mail (agent): Confidential
- Phone: Confidential
- Agent phone: Confidential
- Working hours per week: 60
- Wage: 19.97 USD / Hour
- Start date: 04/07/2025
- End date: 01/28/2026
- Process date: 02/25/2025 09:47:26
- Submit date: Confidential
- Offer description:
Bee Health Specialist will perform the following duties: • Monitor Hive Health: Conduct regular inspections of hives to assess overall health, identify signs of disease or parasites (such as mites or viruses), and determine treatment needs. • Treat Diseases and Parasites: Administer appropriate treatments to combat mite infestations, diseases, and other health challenges while following best practices and maintaining hive productivity. • Queen Management: Identify, and replace queen bees to maintain strong colonies. Destroy excess queen cells to prevent unwanted colony division and promote hive stability. • Honey Production: Super hives to maximize honey production, collect honey from the field, extract it safely, and store it in barrels for distribution or sale • Feed and Maintain Bees: Provide supplemental feeding during lean seasons, ensuring colonies remain healthy and productive throughout the year. • Colony Management: Split colonies when necessary to prevent overcrowding and ensure healthy hive expansion. Replace frames and maintain hives to meet operational needs. • Hive Maintenance: Assemble, clean, and repair beehives to meet operational requirements. Ensure hives are properly supered and equipped for production. • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of hive health, medication administration, and honey yields. Use data to guide hive management decisions. • Safety Practices: Safely handle bees using tools such as smokers ensuring minimal disruption to hives during inspections and honey collection. Special Responsibilities Bee Health Specialists must have an in-depth understanding of the connection between hive health and honey production. Specialists are expected to maintain a high level of organization, precision, and time management in all tasks. • In certain periods, Bee Health Specialists will transport bees to designated fields, monitor their performance, and address environmental factors that could impact hive health. • Bee Health Specialists are responsible for recognizing the urgency of maintaining hive health, especially when dealing with disease outbreaks or adverse environmental conditions. Additional Duties • Coordinate closely with team members to ensure all hives meet health and productivity benchmarks. • Communicate consistently and clearly with management, reporting on hive health and production metrics. • Stay informed about new techniques and best practices in sustainable beekeeping to continuously improve operations May perform incidental driving duties, including driving company trucks over the road to various worksites and the housing complex. May drive company trucks or SUV to transport equipment and workers. Driving job duty is not a different job, considering the drivers will perform agricultural job duties when not driving. This activity is secondary agriculture under the Fair Labor Standards Act as it is in conjunction with and incidental to the company’s agricultural operations. Drivers will be responsible for filling vehicles with fuel and keeping vehicles clean. Drivers will be required to complete and process periodic driving reports as required by state laws. Drivers will be required to follow all traffic laws and if applicable, vanpool rules. In order to drive, drivers must possess a valid authorized driver’s license. Possessing a valid authorized driver`s license isn`t a requirement for this job order. All employees engaged in driving activities (H-2A as well as corresponding domestic workers), will be given the opportunity to obtain a driver’s license within the first two weeks of employment. Workers will be compensated for actual driving time, processing paperwork, trips to the gas station, and cleaning vehicle.